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Charges were dismissed upon completion of a hair follicle test and pre trail diversion for 18 months 122 hrs of community service.
Amended Charge Type
Amended Charge Disposition
Possession of marijuana
Broker Comment
On the morning of the arrest me and my college roommate at the time were on the way to a golf tournament. I was asleep in the passenger after a long shift from the night before. I was awoken to the sound of a siren followed by I white baggy being thrown onto my lap. My roommate who was driving started yelling at me to toss it out. I knew what it was and did not want anything to do with it. I panicked and tossed it out. When the police officer asked what was thrown from the vehicle my roommate replied it was just marijuana. After picking the baggy up off the ground the officer confirmed it was cocaine and we were charged cocaine possession marijuana possession along with tampering with evidence. During the search of our pockets the officer found marijuana on my roommate but since it was my car we were both charged with marijuana.
After I was bailed out by my parents we got an attorney who told us there is no way to know who had what and we would both suffer the same consequences and charges. I got letters speaking about by character as a person and sent my transcript from college showing my grades to the DA. The DA agreed to give me a second chance and help me avoid ruining my future. He offered no charges would be filed if I completed a negative hair follicle test and completed a pre trail diversion. I did18 month probation 120 hrs of community serve paid fines and completed an alcohol and drug class. After completion my attorney sent the dismissal of charges that was approved by the courthouse.
The action that I took on April 2016 do not represent the person I am today. I was able to learn from this bad experience. I refrained from associating with the wrong crowd and stayed away from drugs and alcohol to focus on my education. I graduated Cum Laude from Stephen F. Austin in 2018. Followed by graduating in 2021 with my Masters in Athletic Training. I regret being involved in the incident with all my being when I was 21. The lessons that i learned from my experience will never be forgotten.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.