When communicating online or investing with any professional, make sure you know who you’re dealing with. Imposters might link to sites like BrokerCheck from phishing or similar scam websites, or through social media , trying to steal your personal information or your money. Please contact FINRA with any concerns.
Possession of Controlled Substance...Less than 1 gram of cocaine.
Deferred Adjudication
Broker Comment
I was charged with a possession in the amount of less than 1 gram of cocaine. I severely regret my choices at that age 15 years ago. The case was closed as a deferred adjudication.
Final Disposition
Theft of property in the amount of about $85.00.
Deferred Adjudication
Broker Comment
I was 17 and stole some clothes from a Foley's Department Store because I couldn't afford them. That of course was no excuse for my actions. I have struggled to put this behind me as I got my Bachelor of Business Administration where I majored in Finance in order to provide for myself and be a responsible individual.I have no excuse for my behavior at that age 15 years ago. My only hope is that my education and the duration that has passed will earn me consideration for a second chance to prove how much I want to earn a good living and provide for my family. I greatly appreciate your consideration.
A brokerage firm, also called a broker-dealer, is in the business of buying and selling securities – stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and certain other investment products – on behalf of its customer (as broker), for its own bank (dealer), or both. Individuals who work for broker-dealers - the sales personnel are commonly referred to as brokers.
Investment Adviser
An investment adviser is paid for providing advice about securities to clients. In addition, some investment advisers manage investment portfolios and offer financial planning services.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.