When communicating online or investing with any professional, make sure you know who you’re dealing with. Imposters might link to sites like BrokerCheck from phishing or similar scam websites, or through social media , trying to steal your personal information or your money. Please contact FINRA with any concerns.
1. Respondents admit that Respondents violated Section 2122(b) of the Insurance Law in that during the approximate period July 2021 through August 2023, in advertisements on websites, Respondents referred to insurers by using insurance company logos and through written statements, without setting forth therein the full name of each insurer referred to, and without setting forth the name of the city, town or village in which each insurer has its principal office in the United States. 2. Respondents hereby waive their right to notice and a hearing on said charge and agree, in lieu of any other disciplinary action which might be taken by the Department in consequence of the foregoing, to the imposition of a penalty in the sum Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. 3.Respondents agree to take all necessary steps to prevent the recurrence of similar violations and acknowledge that this Stipulation and any admission contained within may be used against Respondents if the Department, for any reason other than the specific acts herein considered, institutes disciplinary action.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.