When communicating online or investing with any professional, make sure you know who you’re dealing with. Imposters might link to sites like BrokerCheck from phishing or similar scam websites, or through social media , trying to steal your personal information or your money. Please contact FINRA with any concerns.
The California Department of Insurance alleges that pursuant to Section 2183.2(b)(8),Title of the California Code of Regulations, the two September 30, 2021 misdemeanor convictions for driving while under the influence of a drug in violation of Section 23152(f) of the California Vehicle Code demonstrate a pattern of repeated and willful disregard for the law which is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of an insurance licensee.
The Insurance Commissioner of the State of California revoked RR Ryan's license, and in lieu thereof, issued a restricted license to act as an Accident and Health Agent and Life Only Agent with Variable Contract Authority pursuant to California Insurance Code Sections 1668 and 1742 subject to the following conditions and restrictions. RR Ryan agreed to (a) obey all laws and regulations of the State of California, the United States of America, every state and foreign government (and political subdivision thereof) having jurisdiction over him and any regulatory authority having jurisdiction over him and (b) RR Ryan shall not be eligible to apply for the issuance of an unrestricted license, nor removal of restrictions, or any conditions and limitations attaching to the restriction, until five (5) years from September 28, 2022, the date of issuance, at which time RR Ryan may petition the Insurance Commissioner to remove said restrictions.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.
Disclosures can be customer complaints or arbitrations, regulatory actions, employment terminations, bankruptcy filings and certain civil or criminal proceedings that they were a part of.